When the second plane hit the tower,
his Chief of Staff entered the classroom
and told Mr. Bush the nation is under attack.
Not knowing what to do,
with no one telling him what to do,
and no Secret Service rushing in
to take him to safety,
Mr. Bush just sat there
and continued to read 'My Pet Goat'
with the children.
Nearly seven minutes passed
with nobody doing anything.
As Bush sat in that Florida classroom,
was he wondering if maybe
he should have shown up to work more often?
Should he have held at least one meeting
since taking office to discuss
the threat of terrorism
with his head of counter terrorism?
Or maybe Mr. Bush was wondering
why he had cut terrorism funding from the FBI.
Or perhaps he just should have read
the security briefing
that was given to him on August 6, 2001
that said that Osama bin Laden
was planning to attack America
by hijacking airplanes.
Or maybe he wasn't worried
about the terrorist threat
because the title of the report was too vague.
I believe the title of the report was
'Bin Laden Determined to Attack
Inside the United States.'
A report like that might make some men jump,
but as in days passed,
George W. just went fishing.
As the minutes went by,
George Bush continued to sit in the classroom.