and give us a statement?
This gonna take a while?
'You got the time.'
Mine's worth money, yours isn't...
I asked you a question.
'You're gonna answer 'em not ask 'em.'
Now listen to me cop I pay your salary.
'Alright, sit down, I'm gonna earn it.'
Yeah, that's how cops do it.
What was goin' on here?
I think we need to know a lot more about that.
That needs to be the subject
of a significant investigation.
What happened?
How did it happen?
Why did it happen?
And who authorized it?
Try to imagine what those poor bastards were feeling
when they jumped outta that building to their death.
Those those those young guys and cops
ran into that building,
never asked a question,
and they're dead. And their families¡¯ lives are ruined.
And they'll never have peace.
And if I had to inconvenience
a member of the bin Laden family
with a subpoena or a grand jury
do you think I'd lose any sleep over it?
Not for a minute, Mike.
And no one would question it.
No, it's right...
Not even the biggest civil libertarians?
No, no.
No one would question it.
It's just, ya know,
you get a lawyer and fine, counselor fine.
Mr. bin Laden this is why I'm asking you;
it's not because I think
it's you're anything,
I just want to ask you the questions
that I would anybody.
And that's all.
None of this made any sense.
Can you imagine in the days
after the Oklahoma City
terrorist bombing President Clinton
helping to arrange a trip out of the country
for the McVeigh family?
What do you think would have happened to Clinton
if that had been revealed?
Bandar, do you know the bin Laden family?
I do very well.
What are they like?
They're really lovely human beings;
uh, he is the only one I never, I don't know well.
I met him only once.
What was the circumstance under which you met him?
This is ironic, and uh, in the mid-80s,
if you remember,
we and the United States were supporting
the Mujhadeen to liberate Afghanistan
from the Soviets.
He came to thank me for my efforts