started increasing its defense spending, um,
the bin Laden family stood to gain
from those investments through the Carlyle Group.
Of all the weapons companies it owned,
the Carlyle Group was in essence
the 11th largest defense contractor
in the United States.
It owned United Defense,
makers of the Bradley Armored Fighting Vehicle.
September 11th guaranteed
that United Defense was going to have
a very good year.
Just six weeks after 9/11,
Carlyle filed to take United Defense public,
and in December, made a one day profit
of $237 million dollars.
But sadly, with so much attention
focused on the bin Laden family
being important Carlyle investors,
the bin Ladens eventually had to withdraw.
Bush's dad though stayed on as senior advisor
to Carlyle's Asia board for another two years.
As unassuming as it seems, uh, to, uh, to,
to know that George H.W. Bush
was meeting with the bin Laden family
while Osama was a wanted terrorist, um,
well before September 11th,
it's very discomforting for Americans
to know that.
George H.W. Bush is a man
who has obviously incredible reach
into the White House.
Um, he receives daily CIA briefings,
which is the right of any ex-President,
but very few ex-Presidents actually exercise
that right -- uh, he does.
And I think in a very real way
they are benefiting from the confusion
that arises when George H.W.
Bush visits Saudi Arabia on behalf of Carlyle
and meets with the royal family
and meets with the bin Laden family.
Is he representing the United States of America
or is he representing an investment firm