Fahrenheit 9/11

Uh, not usually, no sir.
No no, do they give you any trouble?
The Saudis?
Uh, no comment on that one,
I'm not going to answer.
Uh, okay,
I'll take that as a yes.
It turns out that Saudi Prince Bandar
is perhaps the best protected ambassador
in the US.
The US State Department provides him
with a six-man security detail.
Considering how he and his family,
and the Saudi elite own seven percent of America,
it's probably not a bad idea.
Prince Bandar is so close to the Bushes
they consider him a member of the family,
and they even have a nickname for him:
Bandar Bush.
Two nights after September 11th,
George Bush invited Bandar Bush
to the White House for a private dinner and talk.
Even though bin Laden was a Saudi,
and Saudi money had funded al Qaeda,
and fifteen of the nineteen hijackers were Saudis,
here was the Saudi ambassador
casually dining with the President.
On September 13th,
what were they talking about?
Were they commiserating?
Or comparing notes?
Why would Bandar's government
block American investigators
from talking to the relatives
of the fifteen hijackers?
Why would Saudi Arabia become reluctant
to freeze the hijackers' assets?
The two of them rocked out on the Truman Balcony
so that Bandar could smoke a cigar and have a drink.
In the distance, across the Potomac,
was the Pentagon, partially in ruins.
I wonder if Mr. Bush told Prince Bandar not to worry
because he already had a plan in motion.
You come in September 12th,
ready to plot what response we take to al Qaeda.
Let me talk to you about the response
that you got from top administration officials.
