He does not play dice
with the universe.
He has a great plan, John.
But his mysteries
unfold slowly.
Perhaps they
will be answered
when the proper tribute
is provided to him.
The wormhole!
Or in your case,
the wormhole weapon!
Listen up, Strangelove,
I can find wormholes,
sense when they will open.
Push comes to shove,
I can even navigate one.
But I cannot make
a wormhole weapon!
That is true, John. But you do know
where to obtain the knowledge.
It does not take an Einstein
to figure that out, huh?
Make sure he gets
that message.
So how have you been,
- I'm good, Bob. You? The wife? The kids?
- Busy.
Yeah. I hear
business is booming.
You're right. The Scarrans
and Peacekeepers are at war.
And the Scarrans will prevail
unless you help us build
a wormhole weapon.
Gee, that all sounds
reasonable, Bob.
Only two problems. No matter
what you may believe, I can't do it.
Just as important, I don't think Peacekeepers
are any better than the Scarrans.
So make sure you validate
your parking... on the way out.
You will find no serenity
during this conflict, Crichton.
Examine your choices.
You are not listening.
Wormholes, no! Weapons, no!
Killing, no.
Crichton, no.