No more Tregans aboard.
That's good news, Pilot.
However, they're
still reeling us in.
- Because we can't release the harpoons.
- Why not?
'Cause somebody sent
the transmitter down the abyss.
This transmitter,
what does it look like?
A star-shaped medallion.
- Pilot?
- All lines disengaged.
We're free!
Ooh! Guess they figured out
their captain's dead.
Pilot, can Moya starburst?
She will try.
That's our girl.
This is not good.
Rygel? Rygel?
Don't get your knickers
in a twist.
The baby is all right.
I'm terribly upset
I failed to detect the Tregans.
1812, pipe down.
I was so preoccupied with other duties,
they snuck up on us.
That's all right, Pilot. You're a few thousand
mistakes behind the rest of us.
Hey, Pilot, how much is this gonna
slow us down getting to Arnessk?
The answer, Commander,
is not at all.
Okay, I'm lost.