What's the situation?
Scarrans control
the whole of the city.
Isolated pockets of
but they're
being steadily neutralized.
- What about the Eidelons?
- Slaughtered, even in surrender.
The rest of our men are
on the other side of the city
searching for survivors.
We have to get Stark to them.
Captain Braca,
are you still alive?
- Very much so, sir. Good to hear your voice.
- Your location?
The great temple.
We're holding out
with a band of Eidelons.
My requests for reinforcements
have been unheeded.
There's some on the way.
Stay tight.
Yes, sir.
Let's move.
You're on point.
Sergeant Learko,
you go with him.
Stark is now
our number-one priority.
Stark? How's that for
an inversion of normalcy!
Don't get shot up too much.
I was thinking the same thing
about you, old man.
Why can we not immolate
that city?
Weapons systems is inoperative from the
Luxan attack, Excellency.
Excuses aside,
I want every single Eidelon
It is being attended.
That chair becomes you.
Reports from prior
to our arrival suggest
that Crichton and the Leviathan
perished in the ocean below.
Would you agree?
I would rather have
his head as proof.
Once the Peacekeepers
have been defeated,
I intent do oversee larger
galactic governance issues.
Bring me Crichton's head
and all differences between us
will be resolved.
Paving the way for you
to assume my position,
Empress Ahkna.