Finding Neverland

How kind. That would be lovely.
Don't you all look lovely in your little suits?
And, Mrs du Maurier, what a shame it is
that we've not met until this evening.

How kind of you to say so.
Not at all. I can't tell you how many times
I've been to a charity or a social event

and seen your name listed
among the organizers.

It's the very thing I would love to do myself
if I could just find the time.
My problem is in finding the time
to do everything else.

At the moment I am running
two households.

Sylvia believes she can get by
without a housekeeper.

My house is quite large enough for us all,
- but the idea of living with me seems...
- Not now, please, mother.

- We help her keep the house in order.
- Don't interrupt, George.

- Where did you get your manners?
- Sorry, Grandmother.

Mr Barrie, I understand you've become
playmates of my grandchildren.

- Oh, they indulge me, really.
- On the contrary.

The other day we took to an exploration
of darkest Africa in our garden.

But Mr Barrie was taken ill
by the bite of a... What was it?

Tsetse fly. Quite horrible.
Yes, and he swelled to the size
of a hippopotamus.

Fingers like sausages.
And we had to float in him down the river
like he was a great bloated raft.

But the fishing was good, wasn't it?
- Bye.
- Thank you so much.

- Lovely evening.
- Thank you. Bye.

- Good night.
- Good night.

Well, that was a disaster.
