Finding Neverland

Flying a kite, Mother,
and having a wonderful time.

I'm sorry. I didn't know
you were coming this evening.

No? Well, apparently you forgot then.
- I brought some supper along for us all.
- You didn't need to do that.

Well, there's no food in the house, is there?
Really. You don't need to wait
till the cupboard is bare.

Please, Mother. Come on, darlings.
Wipe feet. There's been
enough tracking round here.

George, I thought you said you were going
to help your mother take care of the house.

Coat, Michael, please. Yes.
- And... coat hanger. Good.
- Will we see you tomorrow?

No. You're going to be helping
round the house tomorrow.

Mother, there is absolutely no need for this.
You can't do everything yourself.
Look at you. You're horribly flush.
You're wearing yourself out.

Thank you for a lovely day, James.
Excuse me, Mother.

So from tomorrow, we're going to have
some discipline around here.

And not one of you will escape.
- Good evening, Mr Barrie.
- Good evening, Sarah.

- Good evening, Mr Barrie.
- Good evening, Emma.

You missed supper.
Perhaps I'll have something later.
I have a bit of writing I wanted to do.

Are you sure? It was a lovely meal. Duck.
Sarah let Emma cook this evening.
Is that right? Listen, what would you think
of loaning Emma out to the Davies

for the occasional evening?
They don't actually have a cook.
I take it Mrs Davies enjoyed the meal
that she had here?

I imagine she could use an extra hand
now and again. That's all.

That's very charitable of you.
Perhaps we can send over
some of the silver as well.
