Finding Neverland

Lords and ladies, His Royal Highness,
King Michael the Benevolent,

protector of the realm.
That scepter's made of wood.
Yes, well, we dream on a budget here,
don't we?

No, I mean, everyone thinks it's made
of gold, but it's just an old hunk of wood.

The means to an end, Peter.
What we've done is taken
an old hunk of wood

and transformed it for all the world to see
into the most magnificent gold.

- There you go.
- What's this?

All great writers begin with a good
leather binding and a respectable title.

Open it.
"The Boy Castaways."
"Being a record of the terrible adventures
of the brothers Davies,

faithfully set forth by...
Peter Llewelyn Davies."

Kipling would swallow his own ear
for a title like that.

Stab him, George. You can do it.
I still have no idea what to write.
Write about anything.
Write about your family.

- Write about the talking whale.
- What whale?

The one that's trapped in your imagination
and desperate to get out. Come sit down.

I have actually begun writing about the
adventures of the Davies brothers myself.

- A play?
- A play indeed, yes.

And I would be extremely honored
if you would allow me the use of your name
for one of the characters.

I don't know what to say.
Say yes.
Good man.
Porthos! That's mine. Let go.
I won't go to bed. I won't, I won't.
You should have been in bed
half an hour ago, young man.
