Finding Neverland

And this girl calls herself Tinker.
And you have a pirate ship on stage
surrounded by tons and tons of water.

- That's a lot of water.
- It's a lot of water.

- Yes, and that's a lot of money.
- It is, but we can fake the water.

Oh, well, if we can fake the water
then I'm sure your play will be a hit.

You know what I think I'll do? I think
I'll imagine life the way I want it to be...

Long enough and hard enough?
Yes, and then the money for the play
will appear magically before me.

- That's right. That's it.
- Yes.

How does the clock wind up
inside the crocodile?

- He swallows it.
- Ah, of course he does.

How was he?
- Well done.
- Good show!

I finally get the courage
to invite the boys to a game

and we have to suffer
this grave humiliation.

It's perfect actually.
Spend a good deal of time with them,
don't you?

Every moment I can spare, in fact.
I'm glad for you.
And Mrs Davies seems to be
having a good time of it as well.

You should be aware though, James,
what some people have been saying.

Mind you, I wouldn't bring it up
if I thought the rumors would pass.

I'm not surprised. What are they saying?
Very well.
That you spend much more time with Mrs
Davies than you do with your own wife.

She's a widow. And...
And a friend. That's it. Nothing more.
There have also been questions about
how you spend your time with those boys.

And why.
That's outrageous. How could anyone
think something so evil?

They're children.
They're innocent children.

You find a glimmer of happiness
in this world,

there's always someone
who wants to destroy it.

No. Thank you, Arthur, but I don't think
many will give credence to such nonsense.

Then why is no one sitting with them?
