Ne znam, da razmilja o nametaju.
- ta je trebalo da radim?
Tebe nikad nije bilo.
Bio sam ovde.- Sedeo si u
sobi i buljio u svoje beleke.
Daj mi jo malo vremena
da zavrim knjigu.
Potedi me toga.
Umorna sam od èekanja.
Od ovog samotnog ivota.
Pa, sad ne mogu da odustanem.
Samo doði do mene na kraju dana.
Pitaj me kako sam provela
dan i veèeraj sa mnom.
Mora nam dati tu ansu.
Ja razumem ovo.
Ali mi se ne dopada.
Well, I can't very well give up the play.
Of course not.
Just come home to me at the end of
the day. Rehearse and be home for dinner.
No more trips to the country,
no more long afternoons in the park.
If you can't give us that much of a chance,
then we must end this.
And I will.
Pitiful display.
Nanny. Nanny.
First you get the pajamas,
then you make the bed.
With my paws?
You make the bed with your paws.
The pajamas you get with your teeth.