H i, sweetie. I 'd like you to meet--
And like most teenagers,
she enjoyedparties...
- andpizza.
- Enjoy.
- Thanks.
- And like herpeers...
she often felt as ifher every move
was scrutinized.
- Hold it right there.
- Big smile, Sam.
Mom, prom ise me you would never let me
leave the house looking like that.
Never! It looks like she found
Chelsea Clinton's old crimping iron...
and Amy Carter's Sassoons.
It's like a terrorist
got a hold ofher.
I don't know what's going on.
But what doyou think?
What is the worst outfit thatyou have
everseen Samantha wear?
- I'll bet it's gonna be close.
- I bet it is too.
There have been
a lot of lousy outfits.
IfMac is back, get in there
and clean outyourkid's closet.
- [Narrator] But with maturity...
- Thank you.
- [ Speaking French ]
- she was able to look outside herself...
and appreciate the wisdom
ofher elders.
And I 'll tell you something.
Decades in politics give you...
special life skills, Sam.
Like an excellent poker face.
- [Laughs ]
- Not bad, Senator Downer.
- Thankyou for the tip.
- [Laughter]
In short...
- she grew up... happily...
- Good night.
- with the love ofa father...
- Good night, Sam.
- and a mother...
- Seeyou in the morning, sweetheart.
who she thought
were the center ofthe world...
in an old white house...
they called home.
##[ Man Singing Swing ]
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