And I assure you
that you'll be treated just like any student...
just the minute we conclude
this elaborate party in your honor.
[Woman ] In the sense theywould
support preferredpolicy.
Ofcourse, the fundamental
importance ofagenda control...
was established by McKelvey...
i rrespective of i m pl ications
for the fi nal outcome.
In fact, one ofhis
most notable papers showed...
that the one person, one vote...
system ofvoting...
did not always lead to a middle ground
in decision making.
The manipulation ofagenda could have
a great impact on policy making.
[ Continues, Fades ]
You m issed a great party.
- Sorry about that.
- Fortunately, I can provide you...
with another normal
college experience...
in which the roommate
kicks you out in the name of--
[ Grunts ]
higher education.
Can I just get my--
- Come back in two.
- Minutes?
[DoorCloses ]
We'll be following the First Daughter
through her entire--
Did you see Samantha Mackenzie
arrive at college?
I'm notsaying the First Daughter
dresses badly...
but today, apparently Goodwill donated
some clothes, so I think that--
- [ Changes Channel]
- [Man ] With guaranteed results.
- [ Changes Channel]
- Ifyou have ring around the toilet--
- [ Changes Channel ]
- I llegal motion.
- [ Cheering ]
- Take a look at this.
- With embroidery on the sleeves.
With embroidery
around the neck.
- With a front closure.
- [Dylan Coughs ]
It's verybeautifully done.
Soft, all lines.
- [ Coughs ]
- Look at that embroidery
around the shoulder.
- And a slight shoulder pad.
- [ Clears Throat ]