And it doesn't agree with me.
Thanks for coming, Mia.
I cannot believe how many cute guys
there are here.
Last time I was at a party like this,
I could only fill out a ruffled bikini.
Focus, Sam.
We are at a frat party.
You're right.
This is fantastic.
[ Sighs ] I think
I'm blending in too.
Absolutely. Look, is there anyway
thatyour fake Men in Black boys...
can back off?
## [ Continues ]
All right, I'm about to show you
how to make a real entrance.
## [Ends ]
[ Feedback ]
# Hail to the chief
we have chosen for the nation #
# Hail to the chief
we salute him one and all #
# Hail to the chief
as we pledge cooperation #
# In proud fulfillment
ofa great, noble call #
##[Electric Guitar:
"Hail to the Chief"]
## [Rap ]
# Hail to the chief
we have chosen for the nation #
# Hail to the chief
we salute him one and all #
# Hail to the chief
as we pledge cooperation#
# I n proud fulfillment
of a great, noble call #
- ## [Rap Continues ]
- Don't mind me.