Five Children and It

Oh... your father...
.. top chap.
Very brave.
Well, I'm off to unleash my thoughts
onto the page.

Many problems to solve.
History will be the judge.

- What was that?
- Children, I'll show you to your rooms.

- Anthea, is it?
- Yes.

Er... please, let me just take the little one.
Upsy. There we are.
You poor things. You must be so exhausted.
- Hello, Horace.

I was taught never to talk to strangers.
But... we're your cousins.
Yes... but you're strange.
In the morning,
I'll give you a tour of the grounds.

You're allowed everywhere
except the greenhouse.

That's strictly off limits.
Why would a greenhouse be off limits?
Maybe the plants are deadly,
like in The Black Rose Of Devil's Island.

The greenhouse is off limits because I said it is.
So just stay out of it and everything will be fine.
Here we go.
Look. It seems to have stopped drizzling...
just in time for it to start raining... much harder.
- It could be worse.
- Let's have a little bit of music.

I knew I should have
hid that thing back at home.

Oh, no, there must be
a wounded cat in the room.

Jane, put that thing down and help me look.
- Here, kitty.
C YRIL: Take that back.

- You can't tell me what to do!
- I can and you know it.

I hate it here!
He doesn't mean it.
- He's just missing home.
- Am I that bad?

Be honest.
Take that back?
