Five Children and It

- And a shower cap.
- The thing is, we don't have a palace.

- And a yak.
- Or any of those other things.

We're the Butterworths.
All we have is a small house in London.

- We're just children.
- Make a wish anyway.

- I wish...
- Stop.

You've started a wish. You can't stop now.
¶ Make a wish, make a wish...
On second thoughts,
we're going to leave this little man
and go back to the house.

We've still got Uncle's list to get through.
Oh, great idea. Let's go and tidy up for 14 hours.
- That's it.
¶ Ba-dup, bo-dup, ba-da ba-da

- Are you still here?
- Yes.

- And we wish...
- Anthea!

We wish for all the tasks on Uncle's list
to be done by magic.

So, you want me to give you...
extra hands?

Here we go.
Was that it?
Yeah, good, eh?
Quick! Come on, let's see if it worked.
Let's go!
Anthea, how did you get here so fast?
- Anthea?
- Yes?

You'll never guess what's in our...
I don't believe it.
Come on. Come on!
Do you realise what this means?
We'll never have to work again. We're free.
