[ Metal Rattling ]
What the hell was that?
- That was the aerial, Frank.
- Oh, great.
- I'll go in the back and calm them down.
- Got it.
[ AJ.]
Hello again, ladies.
As the frequent fliers
amongst you can probably tell...
we're experiencing
some turbulence this morning...
so / kindly ask you to remain seated...
and try not to shit yourselves
all over my airplane.
- What was that noise just now?
- Everything's fine.
A wind gustjust tore off the aerial,
but we're gonna keep going.
- The aerial for the radio?
- No, the one for the satellite TV.
- Genius.
- [ Kelly ] Christ,just turn around.
[ AJ.]
Thank you so much.
Excuse me. Excuse me!
You planning on flying over the storm?
Wanna close that door
and get the hell back to your seat?
- I believe you're too heavy.
- Will you deal with this?
- Look like it's goin' higher.
- We'll go around it.
Set a course 1 -8-0 due south.
About 200 miles oughta do it.
[ AJ.]
Copy. 1-8-0.
[ Grunts ]
We won't make it.
The plane is overweight.