Great cause!
Really. Fighting on stage is okay...
...the rest is murder!
Me, Floris?
Knight Floris Rosemont!
A murderer!
Make love not war, Dad!
Everywhere people sing the praises
of Floris, friends and enemies!
Your grandfather...
- God rest his soul -
...was the first to bear the name Floris.
A defender of freedom...
...Uncle Sindala and he...
...knights to a tee...
I was overwhelmed...
...by sorrow and pride.
Then on his deathbed...
...his last words to me were...
"Now you're Floris... Floris!"
The times they are a-changin', Dad.
Things were black & white then...
I fought all my life to live up to it.
Today Floris is more than a name.
I want a different life.
- I have nothing to be ashamed of...
...when I face God.
Maybe for one thing: Calling my
only child Floris instead of Tit-tus!
His back is playing up something awful.
Fancy a beer, Titus?
Your father is quite something!
- Who's with is? It's Titus...
Last time the actor playing the knight
was the Virgin Mary.
Our son was the donkey.
I don't want to know.
The donkey was the leading role!
He's a good kid!