Your father isn't your father...
...dearest Peter...
Your real father...
...is my child's mother's brother.
Is your child not your child?
My child is yours!
My child is yours...
...and Catherine's.
All people from here and away!
What's next in this play?
Look at his jerkin and her lovely gown!
How do we get it so brushed down?
Isn't it time to buy our miracle soap?
No one?
Honourable audience!
The Old and the Beautiful
is about to resume!
Come and watch!
Come and watch!
Come and watch!
Come here.
Ladies and gentlemen,
a wonderful aist you can't miss!
He's a great actor and
a greater ventriloquist!
Say hello dears.
"Hello dears!"
That yellow peril is stealing our pitch!
People want action and sensation.
They can get it.
Do we play the Sultan and the Nun?
How about the Aistic Director...