He played so sensitively
at the annual fete in Gelre.
In Gelre?
My son playing for the enemy?
- And now he's wailing in a dungeon.
We'll swap young Floris for the Relic.
I'll put him on a horse this afternoon.
You picked the wrong guy.
- We know you have the Relic, Rosemond.
I do too...
But I don't have a son called Floris.
You want his head?
Sleep on it.
Next time I can bring a bloodier bit.
Bastard! Creep! I'll have your head!
Keep your hands off my damned son!
I won, pay up!
Hey, fatso!
He's cheating!
He stuck an ace up his sleeve.
Keep your trap shut.
He's cheating! His sleeve is full of aces!