What did I write here?
Where"s this from? Ah, who cares?
Lots of tape on this one. That
nail-biter will have to work for it!
That"ll be number one.
A big, fat "1".
Fancy meal, there"s that...
This is going great!
I was born 74 years ago in Gagnef.
My mother and aunts spun wool-
- and wanted nothing to do with men.
But they wanted a kid.
For that purpose they used
a German immigrant, Philip Schmidt.
He was a shopkeeper,
and he got to mount my mother.
He was never seen again.
But I came to be, and I grew up in
a lovely world of yarn and women.
They were handsome women.
I called them Mother Doris,
Mother Matilda and Mother Josefina.
Three mothers and no father.
I have such wonderful memories.
Im five years old, sleeping naked
in Mother Doriss bed.
I hear giggles, and they all
come in with full vodka glasses-
- straight from the sauna.
Theyre warm and damp and happy.
They lie down next to me
and start kissing me.
"Dear little Sören,"they say.
"Youre the best boy in the world."