- No, it"s to go in the other room.
- No, it"s to go there.
Johanna... She was my woman
the last ten years of my life.
What a tasty bird...
Ive only ever had tasty birds.
Theres Tony, my oldest. He just up
and disappeared ten years ago.
He had some kind of
football career up in Sundsvall.
He sat on the bench in a few
big games, but he never played.
For Gods sake, learn to laugh!
You take life way too seriously.
Laugh and enjoy life, damn it!
Then theres Kenneth, the baby.
Speedway driver with allergies.
I never really got to know Kenneth.
He was always shy and withdrawn.
Hell, I never wanted to know him.
It was hard enough
getting to know myself.
Its more fun getting to know yourself
than a boring old fart like him!
Hi there.
- Is Tony here?!
- Hasn"t said a word in two weeks.
Hi, Tony!
- For God"s sake!
- Tony, stop mooning people!
Johanna Bergström.
You didn"t come down to greet him.