- I blow-dried my hair up
into a little ball.
"The Cancer". A play in one act
by Sören H. Lindberg.
I got a play!
Is that all?
With age comes insight into what
we should have known in our youth.
If Id known then what I know now,
Id have had eight penises.
Take it easy, now...
I feel sick, too,
with you lot screaming!
Eight knobs hanging in a bunch
against my thigh.
Just think!
- I need a toilet!
- Daddy, where"s Granddad?
- Granddad is dead. Stone cold.
- You never told me!
There you go, Christer.
Watch your head.
Careful. Good. Let"s turn around...
There. And down we go...
So when we got back to town,
everyone upped and went. Boring lot!
OK, watch your step.
Do you want me to help you?