Have you thought about
where your job is leading? I mean...
Just relax...
I mean, it"s been a while
since you worked in...
It would give Jan a chance to learn
how to... deal with customers.
So I thought you could rotate.
Switch places.
He could learn about customers
and about being our public face.
Well? Because it"s important for him
to be our public face now and then.
I mean, our public representative.
Good. Then...
That"s that, then.
So anyway. What else is new?
- Mådan! Hi!
- It"s been ages! How nice to see you!
- How are you?
- Fine, just fine.
L"m just looking at the calla lilies.
Look, I saw Christer
in the sweetshop the other day.
- How is he?
- He was picking up a package.
It must be very difficult.
Yes, it was crazy
to close down the post office.
I mean with Christer.
He"s just fine.
So is Flavio. Everything"s normal.
It"s our turn.
We were at the vet"s in Denmark.