I really want the job,
and I know I can do it.
But l"m worried
they"ll be put off by my charisma.
You in a bank?
Help me. What do they ask?
First, they"ll ask you
why you want the job.
I like being in vast, old rooms...
For God"s sake. The job.
It"s just handling paper and money.
A monkey could do that.
What I think they want to hear
is that you"re reliable, ambitious-
- keen to work, able to fit in...
And responsible.
Just do the opposite
of what you normally do!
Keep a low profile. Don"t mention
eyeshades and sleeve protectors.
It"s a good idea
about the low profile.
Tone down the charisma a bit.
Good idea.
Tell us about your hiding place.
Not on your life.
- Do I have to?
- I think you want to.
It"s... I...
I have a fish. On the shelf.
Behind it is my secret place.
When I open it and stick my arm in...
- Where you hide your porn?
- Tons of it.
L"ve collected so much porn on
my travels. From around the world.
In Japan there"s a magazine for
every position. With horses and...
...running around naked, and along
comes a huge guy in a bearskin...