Fyra nyanser av brunt

- L"ve no idea who he is.
- It"s someone Dad knew.

I think it"s one of Dad"s friends.
He"s called Tarmo.

L"d like to welcome everyone
to this...

...lovely, oriental-themed evening.
Yes indeed. And all in accordance
with Sören H. Lindberg"s last wishes.

We bid farewell to a great man.
We who knew Sören know that
what he loved best was having fun.

Imagine if more people
had his attitude to life.

The world would be a very different
place. Particularly the Middle East.

And perhaps the Midwest.
That"s it!
A round of applause for Sören!

L"m Roffe Lindvall,
and tonight we"re going to have fun!

L"ll be back later,
same time, same channel.

It"s time - just get the tape going.
Heres a little song
from the Orient.

Its called
"Pure, unadulterated joy".

Just a little background music
for the party. OK, lets go...

Gong, gong, little Chinaman
Ding, ching, dong...
