Fyra nyanser av brunt

There was all kinds of food there...
You"ve never seen such a party!
Here they come with the horse.
Yes, it"s wearing jeans.
Don"t you believe me?
- Ernst. The job interview.
- Yes, tell us how it went.

We work in euros, all online with
the stock market. Futures here...

It makes no difference if you"re here
or at Hagströmmer Qviberg.

But we have a totally
different back-up system.

After all, we"ve got guys outsourced
in London, New York and so on.

It"s the same network, the same
machines, and we"re in daily contact.

So in principle you"re online
to the Nasdaq. In principle.

In principle, sure.
But tell me about yourself.
Have you been a trader?

I mean, why do want
to work here with us?

- How old are these rooms?
- The rooms?

The ceilings seem rather low...
We renovated, modernised, in 1997.
It works well.
What about clothing?
Clothing? "Clean" I was about to say,
but a suit"s always good.

Can I have your hairdresser"s number?
Lt"s an intriguing haircut you have.
