Fyra nyanser av brunt

- Really?
- L"d like to copy it.

It"s exceptional.
Thin, dry, life-worn.

Like a leached-out corn field.
Ever since I saw "The Sting"
l"ve wanted to be a banker-

- with an eyeshade
and those sleeve protectors...

Great to get
this quick glimpse of you.

We, I, or someone else, will ring you
next week and let you know.

- Super-duper! You"ll ring me?
- Yes. OK?

- Can I finish my coffee?
- Of course. See you.

No hanging around in banks.
Brief, efficient meetings.
That went quite quickly.
- I don"t think l"ll get that job.
- Me neither.

He was going to ring this week,
but he hasn"t rung...

Maybe he rang when you weren"t in.
L"ve bought an answering machine...
...and no one"s rung.
And then l"ve tried to ring him
a few times...

...but he"s always in meetings,
so he...
