You know that point in your life when
you realize the house you grew up in...
isn't really
your home anymore.
All of a sudden, even though you have
some place where you put your shit...
that idea of home is gone.
I still feel at home
in my house.
You'll see one day when you move out.
Just sorta happens one day, and it's gone.
You feel like you
can never get it back.
It's like you feel homesick
for a place that doesn't even exist.
Maybe it's like
this rite of passage, you know?
You won't ever have that feeling again until
you create a new idea of home for yourself.
You know, for... For your kids.
For the family you start.
It's like a cycle
or something.
I don't know. But I miss
the idea of it, you know?
Maybe that's all
family really is.
A group of people that miss
the same imaginary place.
How about some
fuckin' furniture, dude?
I bought a chair,
but I didn't like it.
- Where is it?
- It's keeping us warm.
- Silent Velcro.
- You lucky motherfucker.
I feel like if I had showed up at school
and presented the idea of silent Velcro...
they would have sent me away
a whole lot sooner.
- Why did they send you away?
- Oh. Listen to this girl.
- They didn't "send me away."
- You just said they sent you away.
I mean, they sent me away.
They sent me to boarding school.