How many heads did you wash
to afford this car?
Yilmaz has connections. He gets it cheaper.
Do I really have to join you?
We are married for half a year now
and we have never been there.
I don't wanna, I dont wanna!
- Oh please Cahit!
Fuck your 'oh please'.
Your Turkish really improves!
It's your turn, play!
It's your turn
- Yea brother I play!
Whether take this or this!
How could you give your girl to him?
Do not interfere in ours
family affairs!
Hey guys. Last week I was at the "Pasha"
A very nice club. Everything available there.
Scandinavian, African ...
Turkish? - My cellar is full of Turks.
Play brother.
You have to come with us!
Where to?
To a Brothel.
What shall I do in a brothel?
What a question!
Do you know the brother
of Michael Jackson ?
Siki Ceksin
(you will fuck)
Why don't you fuck your own wives?
What did you say?
Why you don't fuck your own wives?
It's your turn.
Do not ever say the word 'fuck'
together with our wives again!
Did you understand me?
- What?
As much as you understood me?
- Calm down.