
I'd like to help you.
Help us?
I'm a doctor.
I specialize in fertility.

If we could just talk,
it won't take long, I promise you.

We can go to a restaurant
right oVer there.

Richard: I finished the residency in
ob-gyn, but my real passion is research.

- What is it you do, Paul?
- I teach biology.

- You do?
- Can you tell us what this is about?

The truth is,
there is--

there's no easy way
to present this to you,

so I'm just gonna
come out and say it.

My clinic has perfected a procedure
by which a single cell

could be used to create
a genetically-identical fetus--

a fetus which could be carried to term
and, in effect, be reborn.

- Do you mean cloned?
- Yes.

Yes. Yes.
This would be
the identical boy

down to the last chromosome
on the last hair of his head.

This is how
you wanna help us?

I used to be affiliated
with a hospital here

and I had a chance
to reView Jessie's records.

You did what?
I'm aware of the complications
surrounding Adam's deliVery,

that it's impossible
for you to conceive again.

You looked at her records?
I had to be certain
that Jessie's condition

didn't preclude carrying a child and
it doesn't, so yes, I can help you.

You can haVe him back, your son Adam,
to birth again, to raise.

- Adam's dead, God damn it!
- Paul. Paul.

- My son is dead!
- Paul, please.

You come at me with this?
God knows what hell
you'Ve been through.

The last thing I want to do
is make this time any harder.

But the truth is I can do this,
and I want you to know.

What you're talking about is illegal,
not to mention potentially immoral.

Illegal, yes.
Immoral, no.

We're talking about using life
to create life, that's all.

And you'Ve done this before? You'Ve
successfully cloned a human being?
