
I'Ve neVer seen you
wear this before.

Bad hair day,
I guess.

I'Ve neVer seen you
wear any hat.

Richard: All cells are
in essence clones--

identical copies
ofone original cell.

The key to artificially
stimulating replication

is in shocking a specialized cell
back to its pre-specialized state--

its stem cell precursor--
The cell as it was before it became
a liver cell or a brain cell,

or a relatively simpler
cheek cell.

Once in this state, the cell's nucleus
is immediately transferred

to a mother's
enucleated egg.

The transfer completed,
the egg cell will then

ideally accept the donor
nucleus as its own.

At which point,
we let nature take its course.

She did great.
We just need to keep her here until
tomorrow to make sure the implant takes.

But she did wonderfully.
She has to lie down
for at least an hour,

so why don't we go look at the house
and I'll show you around?

She's in good hands.
So, all these people
and no one else knows?

The procedure doesn't differ
much from a standard implant.

So, as far as
my staff's concerned,

Jessie's being treated as a high-risk
in Vitro, nothing more.

- Dr. Wells?
- Thanks, George.
