Doctor: So, how many eggs
did you retrieVe?
I only retrieVed three.
I thought that would be enough--
- Richard, hi.
- Hi.
I'm sorry
if this is a bad time.
No, it's fine.
- Excuse us.
- Sure.
What's the matter?
You look--
I need to speak with you
about something...
I haVe to stop off
at home for some papers.
Why don't I fix us
some lunch?
( children chattering )
Hey, hey,
how would you like that?
Ijust got an idea.
How about we haVe
a swinging contest?
- All: Yeah!
- You guys will be the judges.
- We'll make it Very fair.
- Yeah.
Ladies first.
Ha ha.
Don't go too high,
you'll start crying.
Don't break a nail,
oh, no!
- Come on, you chicken.
- ( spitting )
- Oh, what's that for?
- Nasty monkey.
Adam Duncan, you stop that at once!
No spitting.
Come on, come down
from there.
Come down.
Come down right now.
No-- hey!
- ( kids laughing )
- Hey...
So what you're saying,
these nightmares
might haVe started
at this age anyway?
Or possibly triggered
by any number of things--
school, stress,
tension at home.
Yeah, well...
Paul is conVinced that
somehow Adam's cells haVe--
Retained memories
of his first life?
There's an often cited
a rat was trained
to run a maze,
killed, then ground up
and fed to a second rat.
The second rat, when presented
with the same maze,
completed it
in record time,