proVing that memory liVed on
in those ingested cells.
It's fascinating, really,
also a bunch of nonsense--
an urban legend.
So, it's not possible
he's remembering?
No, no.
Thank God.
Frankly, I'm more
concerned about Paul's
working up
these strange theories.
Paul is just haVing
a tough time right now.
It's good.
He's neVer felt as comfortable here
as you, has he?
You don't think he'd
eVer try to leaVe, do you?
Jessie, that can't happen.
Out here
in the middle of nowhere,
it's easy to forget the consequences
of what we'Ve done.
But if anyone
eVer found out,
you might
never see Adam again.
I know.
I can trust you
to rein Paul in?
Woman: Okay, well, I'll go ahead
and see ifthe auditorium's available.
Sorry, I just got
the message.
They called me
at the high school.
they couldn't reach you?
- I was out. How's Adam?
- He's fine, Mrs. Duncan.
I haVe him waiting
in my office right now.
I don't know exactly
how to say this, but...
his behavior has distanced
some ofthe other children.
And the thing is, he could haVe
seriously injured himself.
Let's go in
and see him, okay?
Is that wine
on your breath?
- I was haVing lunch.
- With who?
Why are you so upset?
It was just lunch.