Mr. And Mrs. Hung, the child should rest
Let me carry him
Be careful
I'm going too
Mrs. Hung, I'm going with him
Don't drop him
It used to be guys wielding knives
It's my first time to be surrounded by babies
I thought I've seen it all!
Now this really is something!
I also feel that...
It's like yesterday.
You and I are against the world...
Now I have a kid
I always remember that hand of yours
I can give you this one too
if you want right away!
You and I are brothers
I'm now the cool guy
When do you start training your son
to be your successor?
You're nuts!
He just got here!
Don't you want an heir to your empire?
That's the story of our life
If you want a clean plate for your son...
You should start now
What are you trying to tell me?