You want to steal something?
I see
You see, do you?
We already said we cannot go to each
other's restaurant...
when we're preparing our dish
You have your secret, I have mine.
Fair competition
Come on, that was ten years ago
I don't want to steal your secret
Tan Kim Chui, you want my recipe?
I sell it to you and then I retire
Just because we're doing something together
doesn't mean we have to do this
Business is business
Leave your duck there
and maybe somebody will try it later
I'm depressed
I'll just leave it here
Give me some comments afterwards
I won't eat it
I know you will
It's hot. Why don't we take the bus?
I like to walk.
I don't like to pollute the environment
Good moring
Can I help you?
I have received your confirmation.
I am here to enroll
My name is Sabine Tavernier
Okay, this isn't working
What I want to say is...