Can you let Angela know
her sister's here?
Heh. No, really. Who are you?
Just let Angela know I'm here.
I didn't know Angelle
had a sister.
Peaches, you made it.
I'm Jun Ni!
Oh, hey, Jun Ni.
How you doin', doll?
Good, good.
How was your flight?
My flight was wonderful,
but that cab driver...
I'm gonna slap him in his mouth.
He's messing with
the wrong girl.
- Peaches!
- Angie!
Ha ha ha!
what are you doing here?
Girl, what you mean,
what I'm doing here?
- You invited me.
- No, I didn't.
Yes, Miss Girl, you did. Hello.
- Jun Ni?
- Uh, yes?
Oh, OK, OK.
Uh, I sent for your sister...
but only because
you're so stubborn!
Life is short.
Blood is thicker than water.
You are family. Sister Sledge.
- OK.
- OK.
welcome to L.A.
Ah ha ha! Thank you, boo!
My big sister! Listen, could you
loan me some cab fare...
so I can pay the cab, 'cause
he won't give me my things.
Don't worry. I pay for cab.
All right, thank you, precious.
She's so sweet.
Uh... well, um...
this is my sister Peaches.
Peaches, this is everybody.
Hey, everybody.
Sis, aren't you
forgetting someone?
No, that's everybody.
Well, where's Angelle?
Ha ha ha!
- Ooh.
- Ooh.
You need to stop playing, Angie.
An... gelle.
Miss Angelle, you dropped
a bone out the closet.
You get back to work.
Follow me.
Angie, you got a lot of
white people up in here.
You got liquors and wines
up in the shop!
- Don't do that.
- Oh, I'm sorry, baby girl.
Take it down a notch.
Hey. I see you've become
a real L.A. Girl.
Well, it's hard work
running a business...