Now, I said I can fix it.
To hell with that premiere.
You're gonna watch your mouth.
It's falling out everywhere!
Well, I said I was sorry.
But you're gonna stop
all that name-calling...
before you get your ass
whupped up in here.
Ohh... I'm gettin' ready to
kick your ass for certain now.
Come on, come on.
Let me see what kind
of juice you got!
Come on with it! Come on!
Whoa! Oh! Whoa!
Oh! Oh...
Bring it.
Peaches, that hurt.
Yeah, well...
you never know me.
You never know me.
I hope you don't expect a tip.
Hey... well...
- But take that!
- Oh!
- Ohh...
- Gotcha.
Oh! Hooo!
She don't know me. As soon as
I get my foot fixed...
I swear for God
I'm comin' out to California.
I'm gonna whup your ass.
I'm gonna whup your ass.
Ohh... she play too hard.
- Hello?
- Miss Whitaker.
- Who is this?
- Agent Little!
The I.R.S. Callin',
this bitch is hatin' on me.
I ain't got no money!
Ohh, she knew her damn hair
couldn't take that kind of perm.
Don't try to be mad
with me. Shit.
Right here. Set it up here.
This looks good.
OK, good. Thank you.
Good. That's a good place.
That's good.
You like the wispy little tails?
I love it. I love it.
Do you like it?
You think it's last season?
Oh, no, baby. The shag is back
And it's fabulous, darling.
Hey, everybody!
Um, are you Zora?
- Yes.
- Hey, Zora. I'm Peaches.
"Black Style" hired me
to be your assistant.
- What you need me to do?
- Stay out of my way.
Oh, OK, baby... ooh!
- Peaches?
- Huh?
- Turn that off.
- I'm sorry, baby.
One would really think
you would know better.
Yes, ma'am, I do, honey.
Hey, you are that mod...
Hey, girl!
I love you, sister girl!