Nadia landed in a place
we considered our own.
lt wasn't a plain cafeteria.
lt was our home.
Our boss had gathered us
here with newspaper ads...
...but he was so much more
than an employer.
-How was it?
-Did it hurt?
Here's 30.
You said 45.
-He wasn't satisfied thouhh.
-You promised 45.
Look, he was a low income
customer. Yellow.
lt was hard to push him-
and you had to be tested.
lf you do well in the
future, as l know you will...
...you'll het betterjohns
and make more money.
Your cut is 50o/o.
-l have nowhere to stay.
-Come ahain?
Can you hive me some extra?
l'll pay you back tomorrow.
l never pay in advance.
lf you want, l can hive you
anotherjob for tonihht.
l've three on hold. Green.
Stay the nihht with them
then l can het you a hotel room. Deal?