l want you to tell me
how hood l was!
Sorry, not really up for
a chat rihht now.
The boss always told me.'
Martha, never be pushy!
But l didn't understand.
l really wanted to be good.
And l was sick of Zois
escorting me to thejobs.
l wanted the boss to
take me, just like Nadia.
But she was 16 and a beauty.
At 1 7, l was feeling old.
l was sure her clients were
getting more pleasure...
...and begging her
to stay more.
All of us had followed up
an ad for a part timejob.
Greeks only. The boss
insisted on our nationality.
And he understood our needs.
He had Zois to protect us...
...and the Whistler to provide
us with any drug we wanted.
Nadia was not like us.
ln the beginning,
she never spoke to anyone.
Unlike us, shejust came,
picked up the post-its...
with client info and took off.
l don't know where she went.
Even the boss had realized
she was a special breed...