-Truth or dare?
l want to know
how you left your home.
Are you sure you want to know?
Promise you won't
het scared of me.
l couldn't stand my parents.
And they weren't even mean.
Just incredibly borinh.
My mom especially,
l wanted to kill her since l was a kid.
One day l set
the house on fire...
...opened the door and left.
What do you mean
set the house on fire?
Matches, alcohol,
the works!
And your parents?
They were sleepinh.
l think they are ok.
They never made the
news, anyway!
You're mad!
You promised you
wouldn't be scared!
l then dyed my hair
and looked for a job.
How did you leave?
Come on!
l didn't exactly leave.
l lied about beinh in the university.
lt's the farthest away
l could think of.
-What if they bump into you?
-They won't. They don't care.
l had thouhht of
burninh my house too!
Martha... you truly
disappoint me!
Why don't you
fuck me rihht here?
Rihht before the boss, so
he mihht finally het it up!
No, not here.
You're either a jerk off, or have
the johns turned you hay?
Piss off! l don't enjoy it,
l just het paid.
lf l enjoyed it, then l'd be hay.
-So why don't we fuck?
-Don't want to.