-But l fucked up.
-Don't worry, we'll avenhe!
l have a proposal to make.
l rented an apartment.
Want to live with me?
We'll both pay half the rent and
live tohether, like a family!
Want to?
Want to?
Please say yes.
lt really means a lot to me!
When l'm very happy,
l have a hard time showing it.
My throat dries up and
my ears whistle.
l wanted to start jumping up
and down and show my joy...
...but l stayed put,
like an idiot.
l don't think
she minded though.
You need to have doubts
in order to mind.
We want our money
for last nihht.
The boss wants
to speak to you.
l heard you
messed up the party.
-Where is he?
-At the hotel. Traininh day.