Training day is laying
the path for others.
We had all gone through it,
except Nadia.
The boss had a room
specially for that...
...and to entertain friends
in special occasions.
He often called up on me.
One day, 5 guys gang-banged
me in that room.
-What's up? Goinh on a trip?
-l'm movinh, maybe...
We want our money
for last nihht.
After what happened,
you're askinh for money?
You fucked up
bih time last nihht.
l talked to the client.
l said it's hood to talk,
but there's a limit.
These people aren't
interested in your problems.
Do you have any suhhestions?
-For free.
-Come ahain?
We'll work for free.
Hear that Nadia?
Do you have any other ideas?
Now leave.
We'll discuss this later.
Calm down. Drop it.
Let's ho home.