I will.
No matter what the problemswere outside the count room...
it was all worth it.
The cash kept rollin' in...
and the suitcaseskept comin' and goin'.
And let me tell you, the fuckin'bottom line here is... cash.
The only problem wasthat after a while...
the bosses noticed that the suitcaseswere gettin' a little light.
Wait a minute.You mean to tell me...
that the money we're robbingis being robbed?
Somebody's robbing from us?
We go through all this troubleand somebody's robbing us?
Like I said, it's part of the business.It's considered leakage.
Leakage my balls.I want the guy who's robbing us.
Even John Nash--that's the guy who ran the scam--
he knew there wasn't muchhe could do about it.
You gotta know thata guy who helps you steal...
even if you take careof him real well...
he's gonna steala little extra for himself.
Makes sense, don't it?
Try and make these hardheadedold greaseballs understand that.
What's the point of skimming if we'rebeing skimmed? It defeats the purpose.
They take this money because they'remy guys, so give 'em some leeway.
But the bossesnever believed in leeway...
so listen to what they do.
They put Artie Piscano,the underboss of K.C....
in charge of making surenobody skimmed the skim.
- What were you doin'?- I was with my cumma.
- What are you doin' with your cumma?- I gave her a scheff.
The only trouble was,Piscano was a disaster.
This guy could fuck upa cup of coffee.
- What you been doin'?- I'm out there more than I'm here.
And little did anybody knowwhere this would lead.
If they did, they'd would'vebeen better off makin' fuckin' novena.
You gotta go back thereand talk to that guy.
- I never got paid my expensesfor the last trip. - What expenses?
I'm layin' money outta my own pocket,and I never get anything back.