Head in the Clouds

Can I join?
That's five shillings annual membership fee.
I read about your mother.
It must have been awful.

She was a stranger to me, really.
-But how have you been?
-Practicing my billiards.

I wanted to see you,
to tell you that I'm leaving England.

The wanderlust has got me. I want to travel.
Where will you go?
I loved the Arabian Nights
when I was younger.

Maybe I'll start there.
Would you like a traveling companion?
You have to finish your degree.
-Does Julian know?
-I'll leave him a nice letter.

You're the one friend from this chapter
I'd like to keep.

Three weeks later, Gilda left England.
And so began
our one-sided correspondence.

For she was never in one place long enough
for my letters to catch up with her.

After a year, she stopped writing.
By the time I graduated and began teaching
in the East End of London...

I'd managed to finally put her behind me.
Civil war had broken out in Spain...
and I was campaigning
for the Republican side...

in its increasingly desperate fight
against the Fascists.

Tiberius is in a bad mood!
Where are those slaves?
