That's ridiculous.
You have to stay for at least a month.
-You'll be able to see my show.
-What sort of show?
You'll see tonight.
I saw you in a film as a slave
in ancient Rome.
-Wasn't it ludicrous?
-How did you get the part?
I met an American cameraman
and went back to Hollywood with him.
At first I wanted to be an actress...
but then I got more interested in cameras.
I'd pick his brains in bed every night.
Are you married yet?
-Not quite.
I'm sure you have a menagerie of admirers.
-So what do you do after work?
-I raise money for Republican Spain.
I forgot you had a conscience.
Max! This is Guy.
He just arrived from London.
Welcome to Paris.
Are you here for the opening?
He doesn't know anything about it,
so he'll be completely objective.
Where are you staying?
There's a hotel my friends like,
just around the corner.
He's staying here.
He and Mia can sing each other to sleep.
This is going to be incredibly glamorous,
isn't it?
And I'm going to be incredibly dowdy.
You're British. People expect it.
Do you mind?
So Max is a lover?
He owns the gallery.
Actually, he's good company...
but he's become
extremely proprietorial lately.