Head in the Clouds

I'm not going to let you go
and get yourself killed.

You'd probably come back
with your brain shot out.

Conversations would be
incredibly one-sided.

Now, get me a blanket
and you can go back to bed.

-What are you doing?
-I'm going.

She's sleeping in there.
I'm just getting her some bedclothes.

Guy, I was with you at the cinema.
After you saw her,
you hardly spoke the rest of the day.

And when you got her letter,
you couldn't get on a train fast enough.

I'm off.
-There's no need.
-I've got an early start in the morning.

And besides, I think I'm a bit in the way.
-You didn't ask her to leave, did you?

Seeing as she has,
I suppose I don't have to sleep rough.

You've no idea
how I adored you at Cambridge.

And when I arrived here,
nothing had changed.

It was miraculous.
I couldn't stand lying
on the other side of that door...

Iistening to you and your lover, though.
That was torture.

Don't worry.
I'm still in good voice.
By the time we're finished...
you'll be so conceited,
you'll be insufferable.
