You live in a cocoon.
You don't think about the world outside.
I give my allegiance to those around me.
We share the world,
whether we like it or not.
You can share my bed as long as you don't
bring your newsreels or newspapers into it.
Marry me.
-I'm serious.
If I woke one morning
and you'd turned into a husband, I'd flee.
How would it be any different?
Once people get married, they stop trying.
-Anyway, you would want to have children.
-One day.
You should have one with Mia.
He'd be beautiful.
Sometimes you say the first thing
that comes into your head.
Should I censor what I say?
If I had a child, I'd have it with you.
My mother was mad. You've met my father.
I have doomed genes.
You talk such nonsense.
What's wrong?
Things are getting worse in Spain.
There are friends of mine there now.
And you want to go get yourself killed, too,
in someone else's war?
It's not someone else's war.
It's as much ours
as if it was happening here.
We all share the same world.