A girlfriend who happens to be
hobnobbing with a German officer.
Do you realize the risk you're taking?
The risk you're taking with all of us here?
You're lucky you didn't
wake up with your throat cut.
Did you know she was involved
with a German?
Yes, sir.
-And yet you still went to see her?
-I've known her a long time.
I've a good mind
to have London pull you out.
They won't have it, because there's no one
with your credentials...
can come in at this short notice.
-I won't be seeing her again.
-lf you do, I'll kill you myself.
You're so beautiful.
It was the right size, yes?
I feel very special.
One day, I will get you stockings.
-When the war is over.
-When the war is over.
I want to speak your language.
You promised you'd teach me.
But we have our own private language,
you and l.
And when the Allies win the war...